Earth's Human Shores 2015. Collaborative project developed with stained glass artist Kate Bayes at the Bossanyi Studio, Eastcote, North London.
Ervin Bossanyi was a notable Hungarian stained glass artist who worked mainly in northern Germany. In 1934 he left Nazi Germany and settled in Eastcote, North London, where he built a modernist studio in the grounds of his house. He worked there until his death in 1975. The studio is now used as an arts venue.
This exhibition was made in response to the story of Erwin Bossanyi and the theatrical space of the studio. It is about the narrative of migration and navigation, about belonging and not belonging, about being inside and at the same time outside. It is about a journey between two shores with everything left behind and uncertainty lying ahead.
A tiny boat is set on an ocean, made from curved thin plywood incised and inked on the surface and screenprinted underneath. The ocean has become a chart, both supporting and enveloping the boat.
The square prints can be seen on the Printmaking page.
The title Earth’s Human Shores is taken from Last Sonnet by Keats.